In Touch Spring 2023

Tue Aug. 22nd 2023

In Touch Spring Newsletter

Dates for your Diary - In Touch Spring Edition 2023.

There is a lot to celebrate in spring. After a long and cold winter spring brings the hope of sunshine and warmer weather, the opportunity of long walks in the fresh air, with colourful spring flowers to cheer us. Perfect for healing and rejuvenating after the trials of winter.

Spring is a time of new life, and we remind members about the gift of life and health made possible by our amazing New Zealand donors. November especially, is a month in which we pause to thank all organ donors and their whanau for their generosity at a time of personal grieving. Liver transplants have saved so many lives and we pay tribute to their kindness on behalf of our member families. Read Traci’s article to understand there are two sides to each donor story.

We ask members and supporters to raise awareness and encourage friends and family to consider registering as an organ donor on their driving license, as a means of continuing this special form of giving. See inside for details of how to do this.

Donated blood and plasma are also essential to many of our members. Immunoglobulin replacement therapy protects our vulnerable PID patients and enables them to enjoy a better quality of life. Our New Zealand blood donors are hero’s that are often overlooked, we thank them for quietly and diligently continuing to donate this precious gift.

Demand for plasma is increasing, more donors and increased donations are needed to enable NZBlood to continue providing our local supply of Immunoglobulin treatments. Learn more about the IDFNZ Team Red challenge being championed by our members, and how you can make a difference. Read about Elizabeth and Sean’s stories to understand why they are passionate about Championing Team Red.

In this edition of In Touch, we also bring you some encouraging member stories shared with love, read about

Wiki, Sophie, and Greer. Also see highlights from our events so far this year and news from our South Island group. It has been wonderful to re-connect with members from around the country.

In the next few months, we certainly have a lot to look forward to, with end of year member events and Christmas parties coming up fast.( Please register early and don’t forget to update any changes in contact details).

In Touch Newsletters are mailed out to members each quarter; if you would prefer to receive e-copies please email and let us know the best email address to send these to.