Keeping Connected

Mon March 25th 2024

Updating Member Contact details

It is important that we have latest contact details for all members to ensure we can keep in touch with you. IDFNZ is not part of the hospital system so if you change your home address/ mobile number/email address etc. please let us know. Our member ship is growing and so we rely heavily on you to keep us informed.

Remember, IDFNZ Membership is lifelong for the patient member, and based on your medical condition.

 KIDS Foundation patient members on turning 18, need to update their membership forms to be registered as adult patients, this can be achieved by taking the time to complete the ‘update details’ form enclosed in the newsletter and returning this to support staff.(Note if you are certain none of your details have changed or you have only recently joined – no action is required).Staff will be following up on this over the next few months.

We have also added a new field on the updated membership form, so you can choose to have your newsletter printed and mailed out or receive by email. This is an option we are looking to trial, but to do so we need to be assured we have the correct email address. For clarity the email address selected by our database for news emails, is the one supplied under the patient name.( one per family).

Thanks for your assistance with this request, any questions regarding membership or contact data changes – contact

(Note- We are happy to receive photos of your completed forms by email if this is more convenient for you, please ensure the image is clear, however.)