Make a donation

Thank you for choosing to contribute to our Foundation! Every cent donated by you and other generous individuals makes a difference to our patients and their families.

Online Donations

Givealittle makes giving a donation easy.

 Following your donation, you will receive an instant receipt by return email, with all donations over $5 being tax deductible. Donations can be 'one off' or repeating.

Other Donations

There are many other ways to donate to the Foundation and we would be delighted to provide you with more information or discuss any ideas with you, such as: 

  • making a donation to IDFNZ or KIDS Foundation to assist with providing ongoing services; 
  • making a gift in memory of a loved one; 
  • including IDFNZ or KIDS Foundation in your will and/or estate planning. 

If you'd like to contact us with your ideas or for more information, please phone free-phone 0508 300600 or email:

General Policies

  • All income is recorded and receipted
  • We have 2 to sign authorisation on all expenditure and full Board reporting
  • Since formation we have voluntarily chosen to be audited annually by a professional external auditor and have full financial reporting back to members
  • We are registered with the Charities commission and meet IRD requirements as a charitable Organisation 
  • All donations over $5 are tax deductable.