About Organ and Tissue Donation in New Zealand

Mon Aug. 28th 2023

Organ and Tissue Donation in New Zealand is managed by Organ Donor New Zealand (ODNZ) which falls under the care of NZBlood. The delicate and precious nature of organ and tissue donation is captured, and expressed visually in the design of the ODNZ logo. The first Kidney transplant from a deceased donor was completed 1966. The first liver donated in New Zealand was transplanted in Australia in 1989, and the first heart donated in New Zealand was transplanted in Australia in 1995.1999 saw the first liver donated in Australia being transplanted here in New Zealand. The Organ Donation New Zealand (ODNZ) 2022 annual report (available on the NZBlood website) informs us that organ donation saved 184 lives in 2022.Of particular interest to IDFNZ members is that of Liver transplantation, with a total of 54 liver transplants occurring in 2022. IDFNZ member families are included in these recipient figures. On behalf of all IDFNZ members who have benefitted from this precious gift of life, we express our heartfelt gratitude and respect for the donors and their families making such a difficult and generous decision at a time of grieving and loss. Lives have been saved because of your kindness.

Read Traci’s article to understand there are two sides to each donor story

We ask members and supporters to raise awareness and encourage friends and family to consider registering as an organ donor on their driving license, as a means of continuing this special form of giving.

Keep an eye out for the 2023 donor ‘THANK YOU DAY’ coming up in November!