My Story:
Manawa & Familys' holiday on Waiheke!

~Manawa and Family's fun time away on Waiheke!~
In 2014 Manawa aged 3 was diagnosed with a life threatening medical condition Chronic Granulomas Disease (CGD) and underwent life- saving bone marrow transplant treatment . The Taranaki family spent many months in Auckland hospital alongside Manawa – it was a long and exhausting journey which they are all still recovering from. The good news is that the treatment was successful and Manawa and family are back home recuperating and getting back to normal life.
The family were thrilled to be selected for a special HHN Respite holiday. “Our family are so grateful to all who made our family holiday at Waiheke possible. We had a fantastic time , the most precious thing was being together as a family and being able to have some fun as well as relaxation! Manawa thought the spa was just great and said to me after his first spa, “Mum, I love the spa”- It just melted my heart and we are so thankful that Manawa was well enough to enjoy the whole experience.
Life after BMT gradually got back to normal after discharge and before we knew it we were back into the full swing of things like work, sport, running a busy household etc with no real effort to reconnect as a family after the long hall through BMT.
It is only because of Holiday Helpers Waiheke and IDFNZ that we finally committed to a date and made this holiday happen. Many thanks must go to Dan and Karyn of
Holiday Helpers Waiheke who organised the amazing details and banded together to make our holiday special with some real treats.
Thanks also to the individual businesses that sponsored our holiday.
Our family are blown away with the generosity out there and believe me it makes a huge impact on the many families that are going through or been through tough times with their sick children.
From the bottom of our hearts the Grindlay Whanau say thank you to all involved.”
Tineke Grindlay,Taranaki.
~To find out more about the Waiheke Holiday Helpers Network, see the link below!~