My Story:
From Christchurch

All about Karly.
Hi my name is Karly. When I was a baby I had a liver transplant. I had yellow eyes.
My granddad had a match to my liver; so what they did, was they cut some of my granddad’s liver and put it in my tummy. I stayed in the hospital for one year. After my operation I woke up with cords and one big scar .I was in Starship hospital. I had lots of hospital appointments.
I am eight years old now. I have friends that had the same thing too. Their names are Hamish, Luke and Blake. I have other liver friends too but I don’t know all of their names.
I always have finger prick tests so the doctors can see my blood levels. I now go to the hospital every 3 months to see my doctor. My doctor is called Doctor Day but sometimes I call him Andrew; he works in Christchurch hospital.
Last year I had a bile bag full of yellow liquid. How I got the bile bag was because my blood test showed my liver function tests were high as my bile duct was blocked.
I am a big girl now; I don’t have to feel so scared. At times I am a little bit scared but my mum says it will all be fine. Thank you for reading my story.
Karly , Aged 8.
Karly is one of our brave Christchurch KIDS Foundation patient members. Well done Karly – we think you are very brave and a real star sharing your story with others!