My Story:
From Oamaru
9th March 2007 - 19th August 2012
Meet Jade - a handsome young man who melted the hearts of everyone who met him.
Jade was born with a rare
intestinal failure and during his short life spent many months in hospitals –
including Dunedin, Christchurch and Auckland Starship.
After a long battle,
with many medical set- backs, Jade’s wee body was eventually overcome by
medical complications and he sadly passed away in August 2012.
The pain of losing a child
is something only another bereaved parent can really truly understand, it has
been said that this grief may indeed be the most intense grief any person will
face.KIDS Foundation members Brenda and Andrew
Moffat know this grief well, with the loss of precious Jade at only 5 years old
.They hold onto their precious memories of Jade - and fondly remember highlights such as his graduation from preschool . Jade was loved by all who met him. Never to be forgotten Jade lives on in our hearts.