In Touch Summer 2023

Wed Dec. 20th 2023

Summer is here at long last. A season of picnics, beaches, and family time for most Kiwis. Enjoy the longer days and soak up the sunshine, take time to relax and recharge your spent energy.

Looking back on 2023 we are grateful that as an organisation we have been able to re-start events and gatherings, it has been wonderful to see our members meet face to face at events across New Zealand. We have missed this in-person contact over the last few years, and it is so important to engage this way. This edition of In Touch includes photos of our most recent events – thank you to everyone for your continued support, it makes a difference to know we are offering services and events that are helpful to our families. Thank you also to the families that have shared their stories, we appreciate your courage doing so.

We can only deliver support services with the generosity of the Businesses and Trusts that donate to our cause, and so we have also published the names of our major Annual Appeal supporters. If you know these businesses in your area, please let them know you are an IDFNZ member and thank them personally for their support.

We have much to look forward to in 2024, with our usual events to mark Rare Disease Day starting off the year in Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington – register early! We also have our popular youth workshops, newly named as the IDFNZ Super Trouper Amazeballs Club, meeting in Auckland and Christchurch. Want to see one in your area? Let us know and we will see what is possible. Look out also for our new Patient Education Days, planned for later in the year, watch out for details of these coming soon, and new printed resources and useful information for your toolboxes are also being worked on.