
Fri May 8th 2020

Our family bubble during COVID-19 lockdown 

 - Phillipa Whitney

For our family of four it was a big shock moving so quickly from level 2 to level 4 lock down and figuring how we would cope with being immune compromised.  

We adjusted pretty quickly, I moved into the spare room to isolate myself as my husband would be heading out each day as an essential worker, we ordered our shopping through Countdown delivery, 

so we wouldn’t need to venture into the supermarket putting myself at risk. We’ve taken the time to connect as a family through board games, cooking, walking, gardening, lots of eating and getting our 

own space when needed, which was often as I have older children of 20 & 22 who definitely need their own space.

Obviously, as for most people having been in lock down for so long, we are all missing a little bit of human interaction.  Zoom meetings whether it be for work, socialising has been enjoyable but just not 

what we would call normal interaction. 

As a family we all enjoy sport, it has been hard not having the freedom to play netball or teach swimming like we did prior to Level 3.  We are spending a lot of time now talking about when we can enjoy 

these sports coming out of lock down.  It certainly won’t be normal again for a long time, but it does make you re focus on priorities and taking a breath and not getting stressed like we might have done 

previously.  The time during lock down has allowed us to learn from each other and give more time as a family which has been invaluable.

As some of our bubble and others across NZ head back to work this week we are looking to support as many local businesses as much as we can.

I was due to celebrate my 50th Birthday in Italy along with a cruise, those dreams have now vanished but I am so thankful I am well and how New Zealand has stayed at home to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Phillipa is a Wellington PID patient