
Wed May 6th 2020

Hi Michele here from my solo bubble.

At the beginning of lock down , putting COVID-19 aside for a nano second, I thought isolation would be a golden opportunity for perfect health. Ever the optimist, even the idealist,I truly wondered as I had for years about the effect of real bubble isolation.

I was in for a dose of reality. My immune system had no respect for isolation whatsoever. Yes there were no new infections from the outer world, but health issues continued.....slightly less frequently but nonetheless carried on with their own agenda.

So I learned a lesson in acceptance. And in accepting myself I was more able to accept others.And not just with health but with differing philosophical views about COVID-19. That has at times been a struggle as someone at risk, dealing with others with a cavalier attitude. We are all different but I fervently hope that common sense and the greater good of humanity will prevail as we navigate the COVID path.

There has certainly been some time for contemplation, moments of slight madness and moments of massive gratitude for simple things. Toilet paper ....Yeah!!! Chocolate fish....Yeah!!! Video and phone calls ....Yeah!!! Walks ....Yeah!!! Music ....dancing....drumming....singing....Yeah!!!    Not so Yeah for the neighbours!!!

It has been quieter than quiet, I am in my bubble alone so very peaceful days. But I long for the chaos of mokopuna, the rough and tumble of tiny children, voices, and physical connection with loved ones.

Patience and resilience spring to mind . Anxiety about the possibility of catching this virus. Tears at times, especially when missing loved ones and when watching heartbreaking scenes of COVID-19 on TV.

My daily walks keep me sane.

Pure joy walking under autumn trees with the sun shining through glorious coloured leaves.

Laughter and humour ...there has been an abundance.

Compassion and sorrow for the relentless suffering around the world.

Admiration and gratitude for the courage of frontline workers to keep us safe.

This has been my lockdown experience , but ........We are all one , even in isolation.

Kia Kaha my friends. Michele x

Michele is a PID member from Auckland.