Ground Work for An Active Mind

Wed Dec. 20th 2023

A sharp mind is a valuable asset. Having the ability to think clearly, solve problems, and adapt to all that life throws at you plays a pivotal role in our overall well-being. When your child is unwell or hospitalized for any amount of time, it can be an emotionally challenging and draining experience. Your primary focus is on their well-being, and understandably, your mental and emotional resources are often directed toward their care and recovery. However, it is equally important to take care of yourself. One part of this is by staying mentally active. While genetics and lifestyle choices play a significant role in maintaining mental sharpness, there are several strategies and activities you can incorporate into your life to keep your mind active and engaged.

Why Staying Mentally Active Matters

Reducing Stress: Hospitalization, sickness, or coping with a lifelong condition can be a source of immense stress and anxiety. Staying mentally active and engaging in stimulating activities can serve as a healthy distraction and provide emotional relief. It's a way to escape, even briefly, from the complexities of medical situations.

Improved Decision-Making: Making critical decisions regarding your child's health, treatment options, and care can be mentally exhausting. A sharp mind will help you make informed choices and advocate for your child effectively. An active mind is adept at problem-solving and critical thinking. This enables you to navigate medical challenges with confidence and resilience.

Building Resilience: Maintaining mental activity during challenging times can help build emotional resilience. It enables you to cope better with the ups and downs of a hospital stay. In turn, your child (if older) will see this resilience, and start to emulate the way you cope and react to situations. Staying strong for your child gives them a resilient environment to lean on.

Fostering Positivity: Mental engagement can help you maintain a positive outlook, even when facing tough, trying, or sad circumstances. This positivity can also influence your child's mood and recovery.

Cognitive Health: A mentally active mind is more likely to maintain cognitive health well into old age. Engaging in mentally stimulating activities can reduce the risk of conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Memory Retention: Everyone has those moments when you’ve gone into the kitchen and can’t remember what for, or when you can’t recall a familiar name during a conversation. A well-exercised mind contributes to better memory retention. Whether it's remembering names, appointments, or important information, an active mind excels in keeping the memory banks alive and retentive!

Enhanced Creativity: Mental agility fosters creativity and innovation. It allows you to think outside the box and find novel solutions to problems. This is particularly useful when it comes to creative thinking with schedules, medical appointments, and medication routines!

When we consider all of these reasons, there’s little doubt that keeping the mind active pays huge dividends as a parent. Particularly in the way it will help when you face situations with an unwell child.